Evolution of heating systems

Home > Evolution of heating systems

Life does not stand still and is constantly evolving.

Fire and heat accompany us from the cradle of mankind. After open fire came the oven, then there were and heaters, after which mankind has discovered all amenities and benefits of central heating. However, over time it became clear that this method needs to be upgraded: distribution of heating costs depending on the size of apartment is not always fair. After all, different families consume heat differently: some frequently open windows, some spend less time in the apartment, and some apartments can have a great loss of heat due to poor insulation of the glass unit. Is it fair having equal bills in this case? iKüte eliminate this injustice by offering apartment associations, companies and individuals modern solutions in the field of heating systems. This is the next link in the evolution of heating !

Renovation of heating system
and installation of individual heat metering devices will reduce your monthly bills. It works very simply: on every radiator in the house we install a thermostatic valve and heat consumption meter. At the end of each billing month the control center of the installer company (in this case it's iKüte) receives data from each meter showing the actual consumption of heat. The problems with apartments and rooms, where it's colder due to objective reasons, can be solved by introducing additional factors.

Our system is suitable for apartment associations (more accuracy and precision) and for individual users: each family or person decide how much heat the will consume and how big their bill will be.

We have all the necessary advanced technical tools that will introduce you to new principles of heating system operation. Professional solutions, preliminary consultations and low prices. The evolution of heating systems should affect every home and every apartment! Please write or call us in case of questions or orders.

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